2021 In Review
With Ash Squires at Bunn Leisure in August (Photo - Ashley Walker)
Its safe to say 2021 has been a year filled with twists and turns! But as it comes to a close, reflection is always worthwhile. So lets have a little trip through a few personal highlights in what has been a really busy year, even despite the ongoing pandemic situation (the virus which shall remain nameless!) and a time where I really feel I’ve made a huge career leap with one thing and another. So let’s go right back and have a bit of a photographic chronicle of a rather crazy year!
A Snareweight Artist
Starting in February (because thats logic for you!) brought about some exciting news for me and a partnership with a great company as a member of their artist roster, Snareweight. I’d long been a fan of the Snareweight products, and the offer of an endorsement was a great start to my year, through the fine folk at Rubix Drums in London, supplying me with a raft of products to try all year, so i’ve got a rather impressive collection of M1’s and M80’s now (All of which are black because i’m a creature of habit!). But also a great result of this new relationship was getting to try out the Canopus Snare wires, of which i’m also a huge fan, and have become a firm fixture on many of my drums now.
Posing with plenty of Snareweights, you can see the happiness written all over my face!
The Showreel
Jumping from February to April (again…logic!) this was a sizeable project I completed as part of my final year at ACM. An ambitious idea to play both kit and percussion on 3 tunes and then mix and edit down a video cut was definitely something that kept me busy amid a lockdown, but I couldn’t be happier with the final result, and sans the stress, it was a lot of fun to put together. Not to mention it helped me gain that music degree! But I owe that to all the guys who supported its making, from tutors and friends to industry professionals who lent their wisdom and advice to make it happen. If there’s one thing i’ve created during my time at music college that stands above everything else, this is just that.
Set and ready to record (Photo - Faye Capes)
A suitably busy kit setup for the shoot!
Percussion world looking equally busy!
Some Video Collabs!
With the lack of gigs at the beginning of the year, it was a natural move to do a few collaborations with some pals, here’s a few below! In such a time of uncertainty, I think its safe to say that projects like these kept us all occupied and sane, not to mention getting to play alongside guys who before this i’d never met, and since have gigged around the country with. Proof if it were needed that music is so much more than just notes! The nucleus of the first collaboration was having a play about with the Steely Dan classic, ‘Josie’ while I had nothing better to do, and asking the finest pair of Ashley’s I know, to add some magic to it, the results speak for themselves!
Having had so much fun with Josie, I was honoured to be asked by Ash Walker to join in with this one, a Chuck Mangione tune called Fun And Games, with guest appearances from Snake Davis, Steve Walker and once again Ash Squires on guitar. Groovy indeed!
So the final video of this selection was also a really fun (if tricky one!) to do, playing through Laurence Cottle’s tune ‘Bitter Suite‘ thanks to The Ultimate Big Band providing the dots and tracks to do so. It came out sounding amazing (even if I do say so myself!) and Ash was really on fire - playing those Cottle baselines is no mean feat for anyone!
Also found time for an in-person hang with this fine chap! Pals in groove…innit! (Photo - Ashley Walker)
Getting back to the Gigs!
Another year highlight was getting back out and playing live, and there was no better way to get back to it than to head down to Skegness and play a gig with Ash Walker and his band Fusion. What a gig it was too, some classic tunes, and a great lineup with which to make a significant racket! Playing with Ashley is always a pleasure though so I was in heaven there, and the rhythm section was grooving like hell all night long! Aside from the ‘work‘ it was just great to spend a few days away and hang out with Ash and his family, and it was here where the seed for the podcast was really sown, and plans began to be made, and on that note…
Pre-gig in Skeggy (Photo - James Groves)
Grim faced, mid groove with Ash!
Dressed for dinner - we work hard, we play hard!
I obviously can’t go through a highlights of 2021 blog without making mention of one of the things i’m proudest to be a part of that started this year, Groovecast! What started as a madcap idea mid-lockdown, became a reality and is something both Ashley and I have loved conceiving, recording and releasing since Episode 1 back in July (so thats 6 whole episodes out so far!), and the fact that people listen and we have a regular audience is really great to see, and we’re just glad people like what we produce! We’ve got some big ideas in the works and hopefully lots of exciting things to come in the new year, so prepare yourself for that! For all the episodes and links, head over to the Groovecast page.
My podcasting pal and I…
A Pure Muso
This year also marked the start of working with Pure Muso/Pure Entertainment Group. Over the past few months i’ve worked alongside a vast amount of their acts which has been really great to do, and also getting to work with so many top musicians too. The gigs have been busy and plentiful (what more can anyone ask for!) and the tribute artists are some of the best around. So gotta send a huge thanks to Tom and the team for bringing me on board, and i’m looking forward to another busy year ahead!
To briefly mention a few of the tributes i’ve done; Typically Tina, Jeff Dingle as Bruno Mars, Bein’ Adams, Lewish Capaldi, Ultimate Killers, Truly Collins, Maroon Live, Natalie Black as Adele, Ultimate Jess Glynne, and thats not even all of them!
Just before a gig with Ultimate Killers (Photo - Charlie Philp)
All of the toms out for some Phil Collins action with Deano (Truly Collins)
Just having a natter before a show with Jeff Dingle as Bruno Mars
Out and about with the Dan Carney Band, balancing drum duties, chart reading and track firing - what fun indeed!
Back To The Theatres
Another tribute I was glad to be back with again was of course the Islands in the Stream show with Entertainers. It’d been a long time coming getting back on the road after the lockdowns and theatre closures for so long, and of course (no pressure) the first gig back I was depping on kit, which was great to do, and then to settle back into my usual percussion chair as the gigs have moved forward. It’s also been nice to see some beautiful auditoriums and venues around the UK as we’ve been on the road, and just settle back into a feeling of some normality (it’s crazy how much you miss that!).
View from the riser in Woking
Always love to see my kit centre stage
Ready to hit the stage…
View from the percussion riser in Brighton
Hitting the road with the Daintees
With the reopening of so many venues, it was great that the Daintees tour (originally planned for 2020) was now able to go ahead. A smattering of dates across the country, with numerous band lineups and some incredible audiences, what could be better! Working with Martin & Co is always a real joy, and no 2 gigs are ever the same, he’s a real storyteller and really knows how to hold an audience in the palm of his hand.
We had a really great tour, and it was a real honour to play some of the best venues in the country, particularly the likes of the legendary 100 Club, and a triumphant homecoming show at the Sage in Gateshead. For all the Daintees stories, check out the Daintees Diaries posts on the blog (Psst there’s a new one coming out next week!)
Rocking the 100 Club in London, alongside Martin, Spider MacKenzie, Gary & Adrian Dunn, Rupert Hughes and the legendary Lenny Kaye (Photo - Nick White)
Baker Boy hats are definitely my 2021 look if you hadn’t already clocked it! (Photo - Kevin Kerr)
Doing the bit at Òran Mór (Photo - Kevin Kerr)
Quite the lineup! (Photo - Deborah Carney)
Something that can’t go unmentioned was my graduation, a day 3 years in the making, and the culmination of my studies at ACM in London. It was a perfect end, and so great to spend it with so many great friends and of course family too. I think I pull off the robes and cap rather well, even if I do say so myself!
Trying my best to look intelligent…
Post-ceremony celebrations with Hannah and Ruby, The Three Amigos!
Panto (Oh yes it is!)
Ending the year in style, what could be better than 70+ performances of The Adventures of Robin Hood in the Durham Gala Theatre. My first panto chair and a great show to be playing, lots of fun and the usual panto craziness, and a great band and cast to work alongside. Its definitely made the last 6 weeks or so rather hectic but i’m not complaining!
Starship command…Panto Style!
Trying to look like I know what i’m doing (who am I fooling?!)