Back In The Theatres

Depping on kit with Islands in the Stream in Scotland (Photo - Cortney Dixon)

As regular followers of my socials will have probably noticed, it’s been quite a manic year so far! Safe to say i’ve seen many an auditorium and dressing room over the past couple of months. Whether it be on my regular gigs or depping with other shows here and there. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a flurry of pics and a few words and highlights from my recent travels around the UK!

Starting in the South

Starting the years Islands in the Stream gigs in York, then going through Wolverhampton, Coventry, Yeovil and Altrincham. After 2 months in Durham on panto, it was really nice to get back out and see a few different stages! But as you’ll see, the pace has really started to pick up and we’re back to being really busy out on the road. I wouldn’t want it any other way!

A mini-tour of Scotland

Next up was a little run of 3 gigs up in Scotland, starting in Aberdeen, then down to Hamilton and Glen Rothes. I was depping on kit for these as Smithy was away with Lindisfarne so it was good to have a bit of a change of scenery from the usual percussion world! Safe to say we had a great time up there in front of some great crowds, and in between gigs enjoyed such larks as 2am pool matches in the hotel bar, whisky and good food!

Here’s a few behind the scenes shots of our antics up north!

Further adventures all over

With the Scotland run done and dusted, the gigs haven’t slowed down, as we’ve been everywhere from Dunstable, Peterborough, Coventry, Birmingham, Edinburgh and more! For the Peterborough show I was back depping on kit but the rest have been business as usual! Far too many gigs to detail here but here’s a slew of photographic highlights!

Back to the 80’s

Alongside the Islands in the Stream gigs, i’ve depped a couple of times on the 80’s Live show, which has been a fun gig to play. Some good numbers and a few retro classics thrown in! Here’s a couple of shots from my time on that gig to round off this little tour-de-theatre blog!


Groovecast Ep. 10: GrooveGuest Anna V


Groovecast Ep. 9: Our Top 3 Groove Albums