Adventures at Sea

View from the ship as we sailed away…

Life’s been so hectic lately, theres hardly been time to write about it, so my once regular fortnightly blog entries are turning a little more sporadic! Thats the life of a busy freelancer for you though I suppose, and I should be happy to be so busy (and I am!) after everything the world has gone through these past few years.

Anyway to the point, June brought a new adventure for me, heading off on a cruise ship for a couple of weeks working away. I was out on Odyssey of the Seas for Royal Caribbean, one of those enormous, floating hotel types (non of your tiny ferries here!). As many will have seen lately, my co-podcaster Ashley has been out for a few months himself on a ship (and not his first either) so really it was about time I had a turn and tried the life out for myself, even if for just a fortnight! Now any forward-thinking blogger would think to chronicle this as you go, but evidently I wasn’t cut out to be one of the Michael Palin’s of the world so I suppose i’ll try to get it all in one go, brief as it may be!

Lets scope out the route then, Italy, Turkey and a couple of Greek Islands! Starting in Citaveccia near Rome, then onto Santorini (Greece), Kusadasi (Turkey), Mykonos (Greece) and finally to Naples (or Napoli as they say) and back to Citaveccia, and that was just week one, same route again for the second week! Anyway I won’t bore you with any more words, enjoy a few photos from my adventures! Hopefully i’ll see a return to regular blog updates at some point soon!


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