Postcards from Pantoland

The Adventures of Robin Hood Company 2021/22 (Photo - Chris J Allan)

Merely a month after its completion, its about time for a little reflection on what was a wonderful couple of months for me in Panto-land (well…Durham actually!)

Something a little different and a great way to round out the year, a pantomime gig is a mainstay in many musicians calendars year on year, and doing my first full run amid the ongoing pandemic was certainly an experience, with all of the extra circumstances that brought (testing, panicking, more testing, distancing, masks, testing and a bit more testing! All in the best interests of keeping ourselves and everyone else in the company as safe as possible.). Thankfully for me I was in great company indeed, doing 72 shows of ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ at the Gala Theatre in Durham.

Well I won’t bother boring you with words, i’ll bore you with photos instead!

Huge thanks again to the great MD Josh, Tony & Will in the band, the entire cast, backstage crew and everyone else at the Gala, not forgetting all of the great audiences along the way! Lets hope we can do it all again sometime soon!

A little blurred but all ready for the first tech run!

My place on the balcony for 2 months!

Moody pic in the dressing room courtesy of the legend that is Pete Zulu (top publican and former Toy Dolls bassist!) (Photo - Pete Zulu)

Taking work very seriously…not! Cracker hats on Christmas Eve, naturally!

Hiding in plain sight up on the balcony! (Photo - Josh Tarrier)

Just another day at the office! (Photo - Josh Tarrier)

Sitting amongst my bells and whistles…literally! (Photo - Josh Tarrier)

With Josh and Tony (who I promise is a guitarist when not wielding a camera!) (Photo - Chris J Allan)

Yep, definitely a guitarist… (Photo - Chris J Allan)


Groovecast Ep. 8: Tech Talk


Groovecast Ep. 7: 2021 Recap