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The Dream Drums
Charlie Smith Charlie Smith

The Dream Drums

There’s been some wonderful additions in the gear dept recently. Here’s a few stories about the dream kit and snare that i’ve been using lately!

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Theatre Life
Charlie Smith Charlie Smith

Theatre Life

Well, its a moment i’ve been waiting for for over 18 months now, but I can finally say i’ve been back in a theatre again!

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Live and Working
Charlie Smith Charlie Smith

Live and Working

Here we are then, another fortnight, another update! We’re still seeing the last of the pandemic, but hopefully things are opening up a little more.

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My Top 5: Snare Drums
Charlie Smith Charlie Smith

My Top 5: Snare Drums

It’s about time I did another top 5, this one concerns snare drums, something I must admit I have a bit of a collection of! So out of all of my drums here is my top 5 picks.

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