Live and Working

The kit ready to go with The Dan Carney Band

Here we are then, another fortnight, another update! We’re still seeing the last of the pandemic, but hopefully things are opening up a little more.  As a freelance musician right now, I’m so thankful to be as busy as I am, and with so much to balance.  After over a year of no live shows, the past month or two has felt pretty overwhelming with one thing and another, but I’m definitely not complaining, every gig has been a pleasure and there’s always some enjoyment to be had!

Just before showtime with Shaun on Bass, and the tech team in the background (looking like bouncers…)

So what of the last couple of weeks then, well I’ve still been extremely busy with Pure Entertainment Group, and have done a number of different shows with them, including; Bein’ Adams, Blues Brothers Live, The Dan Carney Band, Maroon Live and with Jeff Dingle as Bruno Mars.  Just in the past week there’s been 4 gigs, I’ve certainly not seen a week like that for a long time!

I’ll keep it brief and won’t bore you with too many details, but here’s a few holiday snaps from my trip down the east coast last weekend, and then a couple of nights at Flamingo Land in North Yorkshire this week. 

Thanks as always go to Pure Entertainment Group and Pure Muso for keeping everything running smoothly, those guys are amazing, and all of the acts and band folk I’ve been alongside (A list too long to write, you guys know who you are!). 


In other news this week, the debut single from Amy Taylor has just been released, ‘What We’re Up Against’, and it’s with great pleasure I can say that all the drums and percussion were tracked and recorded by yours truly, in my home studio earlier this year.  I’m sure you’ll agree the song is sounding great, and you can find it on all good streaming platforms, as well as on YouTube.  Go and check out Amy’s Channel for this and many other great things!

What We’re Up Against, by Amy Taylor

Some very exciting news to come in the next blog post in 2 weeks’ time (31st July – Save that date!), so stay tuned for that when it lands!

(Or if you want to keep right up to date with all things happening, go and give my Instagram a follow!)


Groovecast - The Rhythm Section Podcast


My Top 5: Snare Drums