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The place to find new posts and new Groovecast episodes month to month.

Daintees Diaries (Pt.7): Glastonbury for the Day
It must be a dream for many musicians to play the legendary Glastonbury Festival, for me, it became a reality, and what a day it was!

Theatre Life
Well, its a moment i’ve been waiting for for over 18 months now, but I can finally say i’ve been back in a theatre again!

Live and Working
Here we are then, another fortnight, another update! We’re still seeing the last of the pandemic, but hopefully things are opening up a little more.

My Top 5: Snare Drums
It’s about time I did another top 5, this one concerns snare drums, something I must admit I have a bit of a collection of! So out of all of my drums here is my top 5 picks.